Win Souls Grow Disciples

Follow us on Instagram @altarcitychurch

Sundays | 10:30 AM

1201 Floyd St. Lyncburg, VA

Bringing light to Lynchburg.

At Altar City Church, our mission is deeply rooted in scripture. We aim to fulfill the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 28:18, making disciples of Christ and equipping them to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-16). Our foundation is built upon the teaching of God's word, exactly as it's written.

Our Story

Rooted in Hebrews 13, the name "Altar City" symbolizes our access to a better altar through Christ. Just as Christ's sacrifice transcends the need for animal sacrifices, our lives are called to be living sacrifices, yielding good works and care for those in need.

Altar City Church was planted in 2024 by Pastor MJ Maldonado and his wife Stephanie. With a rich history of ministry, including the establishment of the Gather Round ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Idaho, Pastor MJ brings a wealth of experience and passion to Altar City. Their family, including daughter Maylia and a baby on the way, is deeply committed to the vision of Altar City Church.

Statement of Beliefs

At Altar City Church, we adhere to the following doctrinal statement: We believe in the Trinity - one God in three persons. We affirm the full deity and humanity of Christ, who died for the spiritual lostness of the human race. We uphold the belief in the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ, through whom salvation is attained by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. We anticipate the physical return of Christ and recognize the authority and inerrancy of Scripture as the ultimate guide for faith and practice. These fundamental beliefs form the foundation of our faith and guide our worship and mission as a community of believers.